When you purchase San Francisco Bay Coffee, you’re joining our efforts to improve the working conditions of coffee farms, the welfare of coffee growing communities, and the health of the planet. One of the ways in which we do this is by investing in sustainable labour and environmentally friendly practices in the coffee communities where we source.

We specifically strive to support small farmers, but many lack the resources to verify that
their coffee beans are grown using these important practices. So, we've partnered with a not-for-profit organization called Enveritas, which provides performance assessments that can
be used to monitor and track progress over time and identify remaining areas of need. Enveritas
develops these assessments with the use of technology, such as satellite imaging, as well as
onsite visits. San Francisco Bay Coffee and other roasters fund the work of Enveritas that
aims to help all coffee farmers participate in a globally sustainable coffee industry.
We rely on these reports to better understand the accomplishments and challenges among
the farms we buy from, while also supporting Enveritas' goal of eliminating global poverty
within the coffee farming industry by 2030.

The Enveritas verification covers a wide range of social, environmental and economic criteria that have been agreed upon by civil society over the past 20 years grounded in international protocols and conventions including the International Labour Organization Conventions on Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Trafficking, the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child, and the World Health Organization's classification of hazardous pesticides. Child labour, forced labour, deforestation and banned pesticide use are among the criteria reviewed.
Enveritas’ Three Pillars of Sustainability
Everitas-verified traceability, quality of life, and sustainability practices for crop year 2022-2023

The countries identified below comprise 100% of our coffee purchases.

Colombia | Costa Rica | Ethiopia | Guatemala | Hawaii | Honduras | Indonesia | Jamaica | Kenya | Mexico | Nicaragua | Panama | Peru | Rwanda | Tanzania